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File name: Keypad A Module User's Guide
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Detailed profile

Product Overview:

Innovati's 16-key Keypad A Module is designed to provide a range of versatile input functions. It can be directly controlled by Innovati’s BASIC Commander for various applications using simple connections. By setting different input modes, it can be converted rapidly to emulate various commonly used input interfaces, such as the common numeric inputs for calculators, English character inputs for mobile phones, hexadecimal inputs for engineering, or even a user-defined returned value for each key. In addition to the input options, the debounce time of the keys can be setup to avoid problems due to mechanical key bounce when the keys are pressed. The automatic repeat (auto-repeat) input can be set to generate a repeat input when a key is pressed and held down.



Ø  When used with an LCD display, it can rapidly emulate the function of a calculator by setting the correct mode.

Ø  Can be used for password input complete with case-sensitive capability.

Ø  The user defined input function allows the user to set and detect different keys through the software to setup the module for versatile operations.

Ø  By setting the hold mode, the keypad can be used as 8-direction keys for a wired remote control.


Product Features:

Ø  4x4 input keypad. Can be operated in 9 different input modes.

Ø  Key value mode - default

Ø  Hexadecimal mode

Ø  Numeric mode

Ø  Upper case character input

Ø  Lower case character input

Ø  Symbol mode

Ø  Calculator mode

Ø  User defined mode

Ø  Extended keypad input mode

Ø  The user can set the debounce value according to their personal preference to avoid repeat inputs.

Ø  By using the extension pins, the product can be expanded with additional extended keypads.

Ø  Determining the pressed keys can be performed either in the event mode or in the polling mode though different program designs.

Ø  Pressing and holding the keys can implement a repetition key input.


Innovati, inc.
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